PINE Accelerator

What is the PINE Accelerator?

The PINE Accelerator is a virtual, hybrid training that prepares teams to adopt, tailor, and implement the program within their schools.

The Accelerator is open to all new schools that join the PINE Membership. During the training, participants work with PINE Coaches to conduct internal needs assessments, identify strengths and areas for improvement, and set goals for the coming year.

4 Week Accelerator phases: Week 1 introduce PINE and get organized, week 2 internal needs assessment, week 3 goal setting and week 4 roll-out planning
  • The PINE Platform and its many supports

  • Conducting a whole-school needs assessment

  • Setting clear, measurable yearly goals

  • Mapping out action steps to successfully launch PINE

This 4-session Accelerator training will walk teams through:

When is the next Accelerator?

The next PINE Accelerator is scheduled for Fall 2024, with multiple start dates, so schools can begin at a time that works best for them:

September Group


9/24 - 10/15, 2:00-3:00pm EST

October Group


10/16-11/6, 10:00-11:00am EST

November Group


11/18-12/9, 3:00-4:00pm EST

PINE Members, administrators at each school will receive an email from PINE about how to register for an Accelerator group.

Not a PINE Member? Reach out to learn more about how your school can join the PINE community!

Who participates in the Accelerator?

Each school will identify a small interdisciplinary team of staff members to participate in the training as a part of their PINE Leadership Team (PLT).

By the end of the Accelerator, each PLT will leave with a customized and comprehensive plan for how to successfully launch PINE at their school.

PLT Elements across 4 quadrants. Top lt. is champions of the program with award ribbon. Top rt. is focused team of 4-6 with bulls-eye. Botton lt. is interdisciplinary with three interlocking circles. Botton rt. is 'school admin representation'

“I am just so excited that finally our school will be able to utilize all PINE’s great resources and knowledge! The Accelerator sessions were so eye opening and left me wanting to do and know more. So glad I now have that opportunity.”

— PINE Leadership Team Member

“Our PINE Leadership Team came to realize that we want students to see their best selves reflected in our school, so they created goals that will improve the pathways of information between specialists and teachers, center neurodiversity in their planning and spaces, and create a community where neurodivergent students feel accepted and valued.”

— PINE School Principal